
Original price was: $27.99.Current price is: $25.89.

Digital Download Details
Length: 27 min
File Size: 31 MB
File Type: mp3


This session was inspired by a story shared in the Blanket Fort Discord server~

In the picturesque village of Elderton, the aging Davenport residence stood as a relic of past elegance, its stone walls draped in ivy and its gardens overgrown. Inside lived Mr. Charles Davenport, a wealthy man grappling with the unruly behavior of his two troubled offspring, 19 yr old Jane and 18 yr old Michael. Despite his considerable means, their rebelliousness and lack of motivation had left him exasperated. In a desperate attempt to restore order, Mr. Davenport decided to hire a governess, hoping that an old-fashioned approach might bring some discipline and structure back into their lives.

Unexpectedly, a magical draft carried away the numerous governesses who arrived for the position, leaving only the young and enchanting Nanny Nicole. She seemed perfectly suited to the whimsical needs of the household. With a blend of charm and magic, Nanny Nicole transformed the neglected nursery into a vibrant and playful space, replacing the adults’ responsibilities with a sense of carefree wonder. Under her care, the Davenport residence was revitalized into a haven of joy and enchantment, restoring both the home and its occupants to a state of contentment and tranquility.

If this little tale sounds oddly familiar, I assure you, I haven’t the faintest idea why that might be. Do listen closely though, and join Michael and Jane as they are regressed from unruly adults to silly dumb helpless little babies, drinking bottles of milk and toddling around the nursery in thick diapers.


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